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Bug corrected and HDD failure 

Sega Saturn - Author - Madroms
One little news today: I corrected a bug for videos streaming. Users with IE weren't able to watch embedded videos on the site. This is due to a stupid bug from Google video, not us. For 2 months, they didn't find a way to correct it. I didn't notice it until today, because I use Firefox and all always goes well with it.
Here is the problem and its solution: In the embedded link, if you don't have a &hl parameter after the docId or if you have this parameter sets to =fr, the video can't be watched with IE. You need to put &hl=en instead. This is a really stupid bug, not well documented on the net.

Else, I don't have time to do something for the site as I had a HDD failure at home 10 days ago. Luckily, I was able to recover all my data and parameters, but as it was the Boot HDD with the OS, it took me some times to reinstall all the stuff on a new HDD. Unfortunately, I also had some problems with this new HDD... Now, I just made a light (re)install of the OS with the needed programs (only 4-5). I will not have a full install before Xmas, and so I will not be able to make updates to the site for the next 2 weeks.

See you probably on Xmas...

P.S.: 10th anniversary this year ;)

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