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Sega Saturn News

Saturn's obsession! 

Sega Saturn - Author - Murazame
Hello guys&girls,

Really few free time these days for Satakore, but here are some new screenshots i made for the following great games:
- Astra Superstars
- Baku Baku Animal ~Sekai Shiikugakari Senshuken~
- Golden Axe The Duel
- SteamGear Mash
- Street Fighter Zero
- WipEout XL

...and two reviews:
- SteamGear Mash
- Shienryuu

Of course all my screenshots are taken from original games with spinecard! (:/
More and more should be added every week so don't forget to visit the site regularly.

Et pour ceux qui trouvent que l'anglais est une langue difficile, sachez simplement que vous allez en prendre plein les globes occulaires toutes les semaines!


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