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Digital Pinball Necronomicon

デジタルピンボール ネクロノミコン


Digital Pinball Necronomicon (デジタルピンボール ネクロノミコン) is a Pinball game, developed and published by Kaze Co., Ltd., which was released in Japan in 1996 for the Sega Saturn.

Alt. title: Necronomicon Digital Pinball (Alt)

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Sega Saturn Game - Digital Pinball Necronomicon (Japan) [T-18902G] - Cover

Japanese Exclusive Release

Region: Japan
Genre: Pinball
Developer: Kaze Co., Ltd.
Publisher: Kaze Co., Ltd.
Release Date: 1996-11-15
Release Price: 5800 Yens
Box / Packaging: Standard CD Case
Number of Players: 1~2 (Alternating)
Age Rating: Sega Saturn Database - No Rating has been Set
Official Barcode
Sega Saturn Database - Barcode (EAN): 4973393000031
Peripheral(s) Compatibility: Unknown
External Cartridge Required: None
Compatible with VideoCD Card: Unknown
Rarity Rating:
Price Rating:

Sega Saturn Hardware Compatibility

In GameUnknown
In the Manual
On the Back Cover
Playability for non-japanese peopleUnknown

Game Ratings
Satakore User Rating
8.4 / 10
5 Ratings
SatMag (Jpn) Readers 9,1655 / 10 - [rank: 53 / 945]

Usage of Memory Backup: Unknown
Minimum Memory Required: Unknown
Type of Backup: Unknown
Type of Video Files: Unknown
Type of Sound and Music Files: Unknown
Omake / Bonus(es) on CD: Unknown

Data Collection
6 Items

#ItemInternal Code / Catalog
2Standard CD CaseNone
4Spine CardNone
5Back CoverNone
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38 Members

GazVsSeagul - SaturnMemories / (Total: 2)
ave - CIT_Seven-Force - Crono - darwin974 - fttw - gilles_sat - idiaz - infernalcombustion - Kukovizam - limbrooke - MUR_ITA - sibuntel - 1 anonymous user / (Total: 13)
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fuzzball - Riemann80 - SaturnHST - synbiosfan / (Total: 4)
Zero106 / (Total: 1)


No known revision for this game
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Variants / Minor Revisions / Alt. Versions

No known variant / minor revision / alt. version for this game
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Promo Sleeves

No known promo sleeve for this game
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Picture of the Actual Game

Sega Saturn Game - Digital Pinball Necronomicon (Japan) [T-18902G] - デジタルピンボール ネクロノミコン - Picture #1

Video(s) Made and Recorded by Asta

A brief note on the history of the Necronomicon first. The Necronomicon is a fictitious book dreamt up by none other than the master himself, Howard Philips Lovecraft. He had invented the idea while corresponding with friends and to perpetuate the hoax further, and to great success, he wrote The History of the Necronomicon. Through the years, the idea of an actual Necronomicon existing have grown into myth and legend, but the sad truth is that no such book has ever existed, save for in the mind of the genius who created it.

And somehow someone at KAZe came up with the brilliant idea of perpetuating the hoax (and making a few bucks in the process!) yet even further by creating Necronomicon Pinball. It's beyond this reviewer how the two meet, but it works, however loosely.

The game opens with a video of some black dude in a Monk's robe who was apparently very cheap to hire, and is some kind of guardian of a book that doesn't really exist. It's all dark and supposed to be scary, but comes off being rather corny and contrived. And then you go play some pinball...

The actual gameplay itself is quite good for a pinball videogame even though there are only 3 tables. The action is perfect with the game physics being dead on throughout each table. The flippers are responsive and the ball movement very accurate. It's no BlackKnight, Twilight Zone or Star Wars, but it's pretty accurate to real pinball.

The whole goth / scary theme littered throughout the game is pretty ridiculous, and the guy talking the entire time you are playing is nothing short of annoying. Despite these failings, the gameplay in Necronomicon Pinball is solid and will keep serious pinball fanatics coming back for higher scores.

This title is a must on a good home theater using at least s-video output since it uses the Saturn's highest resolution, and the soundtrack is done by none other than John Petrucci of Dream Theater.

Flyer: No Flyer Available

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